Chesapeake Energy’s new Blue Room Theater takes collaboration and communication in to the 21st Century winning the Sixth Annual ARCHI-TECH “BEST UNDER $1 MILLION” Audio Video Award for 2008.
2008 ARCHI-TECH AV Award Winner
Chesapeake Energy’s new Blue Room Theater takes collaboration and communication in to the 21st Century winning the Sixth Annual ARCHI-TECH “BEST UNDER $1 MILLION” Audio Video Award for 2008.
With the help of a solid team of engineers and audiovisual experts from Audio\Video Designs, and favored architect Elliott and Associates, Aubrey McClendon, CEO of Oklahoma City-based Chesapeake Energy Corp., created an astounding and a memorable place for corporate gatherings now known as the Blue Room Theater.
“In the pursuit of creativity and bringing his company to the forefront of technology, Aubrey McClendon saw blue.” - Chris C. Sullivan
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